Jane Cooper Spirit Led and Soul Driven
M.A. Couns. CCC
Jane Cooper, BSc, MA, CHyp, CCC, works in private practice as a Transpersonal Psychotherapist in Calgary, respectfully acknowledging the land as the traditional territories of the Tsuut’ina, Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, Iyaxe Nakoda Nations and the Metis Nation of Alberta, Region 3. She walks with western credentials and a lifetime of mystical experiences that inform her personal and professional life. Jane is passionate about experiential work and is a practitioner who believes in the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness. Whether in ceremony, in therapy sessions or facilitating holotropic breathwork, she is grateful for the opportunity to be present for people and ‘bear’ witness in their awakening to themselves. Her work is and has always been to be in service to healing.
Since Jane was a young child, she has experienced life with the awareness of spiritual (non- physical) dimensions and realms. Jane experienced deep connections with spirit and the healing potential of Indigenous ceremonies in a Sweatlodge in 1986 and through her call to apprentice with a shaman in Africa in 1991. In 1993 she had her first experience with holotropic breathwork at a retreat where she met Stan and Christina Grof. It was here where she connected with the power of non-ordinary states, began training with Stan and Christina to facilitate holotropic breathwork and started her apprenticeship with Dr. Ingrid Pacey. That same year, Jane was welcomed into a Native American Church ceremony as well as a Sundance and has continued these spiritual practices since.
Jane has facilitated hundreds of holotropic breathwork group workshops and remains very passionate about offering opportunities for individuals to experience this powerful work. She is excited to contribute to the emerging field of psychedelic assisted therapy, and the overall awareness for the healing potential of non-ordinary states.
Jane has decades of experience in supporting people to wake up to the truth of who they are. All of Jane's work is informed by her beliefs in the innate capacity of each person to heal and move inward towards wholeness. Jane is fully committed to being of service to humanity and does so in a clear, direct, honest, authentic and compassionate way, while not supporting ongoing denial or deflection. This requires people to commit to their process and to themselves. She is gifted at building a psychologically safe space for people to do deep work and wake up from the illusions of the ego mind and the world of form and fear.
Education and Certifications
Masters in Counselling Psychology
Bachelor of Science
Internal Family Systems (IFS) Certification
Grof® Breathwork and Holotropic Breathwork™ Certfications
Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification
Reiki III
Life Skills Coach Certification
Addictions Counselling Certificate
Jane's Approach
Jane offers an integrated form of therapy combining evidence-based tools and techniques with ancient transpersonal practices. She believes it is important to have a basic understanding Dr. Stanislav Grof's expanded cartography of the psyche, especially when integrating holotropic/expanded states and experiences. Jane has done extensive training with Dr. Stanislav Grof, one of the founders of Transpersonal Psychology and holotropic breathwork and one of the original psychonauts. She started her training with him in 1993 and continues to learn from him and his teachings daily. Jane feels very honored to contribute to the transmission of Stan Grof’s teachings and supports the leadership of Indigenous ways of knowing in guiding this work. She believes the traditional wisdom/spiritual practices and work in non-ordinary states of consciousness has been guiding our species since we have walked this planet and is passionate to contribute to the awakening of the ‘western mind’ as we work together with these master teachers and medicines.
Jane embraces Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy that was founded by Dr. Richard Schwartz.
What is IFS?
"Security and happiness cannot be found in anything that comes and goes. Find whatever it is in your experience that doesn't appear, move, change or disappear, and invest your identity, security and happiness in that alone."
- Rupert Spira