Grof® Breathwork
Grof Breathwork® is a powerful method of self-exploration and personal transformation using the breath. It is a safe and natural method of tapping into the internal wisdom that supports healing and exploration – our breath is medicine, our very own natural psychedelic.

What is Grof Breathwork?

Holotropic Breathwork™ is a powerful, natural method of self-exploration and personal transformation using the breath. Holotropic breathwork was developed by psychiatrist Stanislov Grof in the 1970s as a drug-free way to induce a non-ordinary state of consciousness. The word holotropic was coined by Grof and inspired by the Greek words “holos” (whole) and “trepein” (to move towards).
Holotropic Breathwork (HB), led by a trained facilitator, is a group method of self-exploration and psychotherapy that incorporates experiential elements such as breathwork, music, bodywork, art, and sharing in sacred circles. HB can induce deep states of non-ordinary states of consciousness and can release blocked energy and emotions. Holotropic Breathwork uses sustained, deep breathing, intentional creation of safe and sacred space, mandala drawing and a musical soundscape to direct attention away from the everyday mind and into the deep psyche.
Holotropic Breathwork intensifies inner experiences and provides access to states of mind, body, psyche and the collective unconscious that is normally inaccessible to us. No two sessions are the same, though themes may recur. A Holotropic Breathwork experience and session can be expected to be as unique as you are as your own inner wisdom is activated to guide you toward a set of internal experiences specific to your personal evolution to greater wholeness.

​As a Certified Holotropic Breathwork (HBW) facilitator Jane offers workshops and retreats. HBW is a powerful, natural method of self-exploration and personal transformation using the breath. Holotropic Breathwork uses sustained, deep breathing, intentional creation of safe and sacred space, mandala drawing and a musical soundscape to direct attention away from the everyday mind and into the deep psyche. The Breath intensifies inner experiences and provides access to states of mind, body, psyche and even the collective unconscious that are normally inaccessible. No two sessions are the same, though themes may recur. Your experience during a Breathwork session can be expected to be as unique as you are because your own inner wisdom is activated to guide you toward a set of internal experiences specific to your personal evolution to greater wholeness.

Origins & Stanislov Grof
Using breath and music to induce enhanced states of consciousness has been a practice for as long as humans have been around. Dr. Stanislov Grof and his wife Christina developed Holotropic Breathwork at Esalen Institute during the 1970s. It was based on the decades of consciousness research undertaken by Grof up to that time and motivated by the desire to reproduce the mind-expanding experiences of the psychedelic era through safe and natural means.
Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D., the creator of Holotropic Breathwork and one of the founders of transpersonal psychology, was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia on January 1, 1931. As a result of his work in the 1960’s with Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Stan found that the non-ordinary psychological states of consciousness that were induced through LSD (one of Sandoz’s experimental drugs at the time) had tremendous therapeutic value.
Here is a recent youtube panel sharing about the importance of the powerful practice.
​This began a journey that would carry Stan Grof through sixty-five years of groundbreaking work investigating the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness. This research resulted in, among other things, the creation of what Dr. Grof named “Holotropic Breathwork”, a healing modality which uses breath and music to allow participants to access the healing potential of non-ordinary state of consciousness. Experiences can include re-experiencing and releasing childhood trauma, perinatal experiences, sensory experiences that release energetic blocks in the body and transpersonal experiences such as a satori type of breathing experience of union and connection with the universe.

The Natural Psychedelic
In recent years, some there has been renewed interest in exploring methods of inducing enhanced states of consciousness to tap into internal wisdom to support healing and exploration. Holotropic Breathwork is a safe and natural method of tapping into this internal wisdom...it is the natural psychedelic

Mandalas are artwork created by the participant after the Holotropic Breathwork session as a representation of the feelings or visual images experienced. It is important is to use an alternate form of expression from the thinking mind. They are a key integration tool, helping participants process the experience. Many people find their creativity grows overtime with Holotropic Breathwork practice.